♔ Sex Virgin Killer - The lights will fall Cassette Tape (2nd Press / Limited 100) ♔
♔ Düster Disk Emporium x She Past Away ♔ Collaboration T-shirt ♔
Soloist Anti Pop Totalization - 4 Songs on Extended Play Cassette Tape
Belgrado - Intra Apogeum LP / Home Front – Games Of Power LP (La Vida Es Un Mus)
Echo West – Reincarnation Of Doubts LP (Hertz-Schrittmacher / Kernkrach)
Ploho – Когда душа спит (When the soul sleeps) LP (Artoffact Records)
MARTIN DUPONT – Kintsugi LP (Infrastition & Meidosem Records)
The Frozen Autumn - The Shape Of Things To Come LP (Avantgarde Music)
Kill Shelter & Death Loves Veronica - The Sex Tape Sessions EP (Cold Transmission Music)
Transhuman Rebirth - Preparing Singularity LP / The Ultimate Dreamers - Echoing Reverie 12" EP (Wave Tension Records)
入荷予定商品 6月〜7月
Peine Perdue - No Souvenir / UFO Shadow - Hypergravité / Martial Canterel - Horizon Ltd.LP (Objet Trouvé)
MALE TEARS – Krypt / SDH - Fake Is Real LP (Avant! Records)
GREY GALLOWS – Strangers LP (Cold Transmission Music)
Nu-CA / Mon Ami 7"EP (Limited 200)
OVERTHROW - 059 (2024) Nu-CA - Dark Cold Wave Band From Fukuoka That place is there, but the two of us aren't there Leaving only the shadows of lost younger days All the reasons our crosses split It's because my heart's lost to reality Overthrow Recordsから待望のニューリリース Nu-CA 2nd 7インチシングル あの水平線の彼方、 朽ちゆく夕陽がその瞳さえ焼いて…。 日焼けした左腕を庇う様にその場に立ち、 そしてあの夏の日にさえ何事もなかったかの様な平静を装い、 打ち寄せた波で湿った砂浜にその足跡を残す。 Nu-CA…'22年1st EP/Born to be a Soldierの電撃リリース。 国内外のDark/Cold Waveフリークスからの賛美を着実に獲得し その名を浸透させ、次作に多くの期待が寄せられる。 本作、2nd7"/Mon Ami(愛しき人へ)の製作にあたり Ba.に新メンバー、Metal Boyを迎え、 Vo. Roco、Gu. Shutopiaとの入念なメロディ構築を軸に、 より一層に胸の琴線を震わす2曲を編み出すに至った。 そして秋… 暮れゆく舗道に舞い落ちる枯葉を踏む乾いた音と共に、 これを聴く貴方に迫る慕情… フランスはCold Wave至宝ASYLUM PARTY、 現行Soviet Wave尖兵PLOHO、 そしてCOCTEAU TWINS、 日本はG-Schmitt からのインスパイアに 限りなき愛、そしてリスペクトを余すところなく詰め込みお送りする Mon Ami … この秋、その胸裡に満ちるであろう愁いを携え今、 ここに降臨…。 (インフォメーションより)
Nu-CA - Born to be a Soldier EP (Limited 300)
OVERTHROW - 057 (2022) Nu-CA - Featuring Female Vo.Dark Cold Wave Band From Fukuoka Fight against you with love as a weapon. Shoot your heart with all of my love. For you to know love... (以下 インフォメーションより) デモ音源も好評!! 福岡発女性ボーカルポストパンク新バンド"Nu-CA"!! 2曲入り1st 7"EPをOVERTHROWよりリリース!! 限定300枚!! '00年代半ばより唐突に散見される様になり、やがて今日に至る迄、全世界に拡大した'80s Post Punk revival かつて時代を席巻した数々のバンドを懐古的にトレースする様でいながら、自ら現代の解釈を交えそのエッジを研ぎ澄ませたバンドも出現する中で、更にPost Punkから末広がりに展開したDark/ Cold Wave, Minimal Wave 更にはNeo-Psycheと言われた過去のバンドの再評価。 既に20年近くが経とうとするこうした流れは今尚、途切れず、そしてそこに呼応する動きはこの日本に於いても同様である。 Nu-CA…九州は福岡に出現したこのバンド、2021年に突如自らのレーベル、day by dayより4曲収録のTape『You are over there』をリリースし、瞬く間に完売。次の動向に静かな注目が集まっていた中、突如同年11月末にOverthrow recordsと電撃サイン。その後僅か半年を経ずして2曲収録にてリリースの『Born to be a Soldier』EPを完成。 フランスのCold Wave至宝と言われるASYLUM PARTY、現行からはポーランドのPASTといったバンドからのインスパイアを軸に携え、蒼白い翳りに満ち繰り広げられる調べに紅一点、Rocoの愁いを帯びながらも艶やかに、そして伸びやかに歌い上げられるその曲が沁み入る様に胸裡を満たす。 闇の波間に揺蕩うばかりに… この2022年初夏、Nu-CA並びにOverthrow recordsのタッグが総力を挙げてお届けするNu-CA/Born to be a Soldier EPにどうぞ熱く御期待下さい!!
Ernst Leben – Nicht Dein Ernst 7" EP (Limited Edition of 250 hand-numbered copies)
Ernst Label – EL 001 (2023) 先着でアーティストのハンドメイドワッペンプレゼント(写真5) Ernst Leben : Konstantin UnwohlのDIYサイドプロジェクト 2023年リリースのファースト7"シングル ドイツ,ハンブルクを拠点に活動するアーティスト Korbinian Scheffoldは近年, ソロプロジェクトKonstantin Unwohlでいくつかのカセットをリリースしました。2021年,ベルリンのカルトレーベルaufnahme+wiedergabeからデビューアルバム,そして2024年最新セカンドアルバム"Neuer Wall"をTapete Recordsからリリース。 Bandcamp 試聴 https://ernstlabel.bandcamp.com/album/nicht-dein-ernst Instagram https://www.instagram.com/egon_allein_zu_haus
Elysian Park – Devil´s Mystique EP 7" (Limited Edition 150 Pink Vinyl)
Nancy Records – Nancy7 (2024) lim. edition only 150 copies pink vinyl, hand numbered, photo, stamped German Wave / Synth Pop solo project Elysian Park “Zoo 84” from “Devil’s Mystique / Zoo 84″ 7” single (reworked versions of previously released songs) Bandcamp 試聴 https://elysian-park.bandcamp.com/album/devils-mystique-zoo-84-singles
Cosmic Roulette – My Love Is Electronic 7"EP (Limited Edition 195 Black Vinyl / Hand Numbered)
Nancy Records – Nancy6 (2023) Minimal Synth Wave Artist from Russia. lim. edition 195 copies, hand numbered, photo recorded in Nizhny Novgorod/Russia in 2023. Made in Barrie/ON, Canada. Synths: Korg Minilogue, Roland TR-808 Bandcamp 試聴 https://kernkrach.bandcamp.com/album/my-love-is-electronic
Spectres – Provincial Wake 7" EP
SABOTAGE (2019) Post-punk band from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada formed in 2004.
L'Appel Du Vide – Abwärtsspirale 7" EP (Limited Edition 450 Black VInyl)
It's Eleven Records – IER - 006 (2022) L‘APPEL DU VIDE was founded autumn 2019 in Chemnitz.Gloom Punk is driven by Surf guitar leads and is accompinied by Noise-parts. „We almost thought: it could turn out well“. L‘APPEL DU VIDE from Chemnitz/Germany worked two nerve-wracking years on their Debut-EP. Now their „Abwärtsspirale“ (downward spiral) is set into motion. They describe their sound as „Dark Punk“, but that‘s just scratching the surface. The spectrum reaches from aggressive-gloomy Surf Punk („Das bin ich nicht“ / that‘s not me) to brittle, repetitive and noisy („Aufmerksamkeit“ / attention) and hymnical-melodic Post Punk („Delirium“). „Das Programm“ (the program), a bittersweet romance in times of total surveillance, is unusual calm and melancholic thanks to an 60ies-organ and background vocals from Mara. In their lyrics L‘APPEL DU VIDE use sparse words and deal with denial, failure and alienation. „Delirium“ could be a soundtrack to the global pandemic, but was written in 2019. The songs were recorded by Flatty. Refinement came from Max Herrmann/Gloven Studio Mix) and Mikey Young (Mastering). Bandcamp 試聴 https://itselevenrecords.bandcamp.com/album/lappel-du-vide-abw-rtsspirale
Night Miasma – Exhausted 7" EP
It's Eleven Records – IER - 002 (2021) NIGHT MIASMA with members from East German Postpunk-band L‘APPEL DU VIDE plays a seldom heard mix of Dark Punk with a very melodic edge reminescent of early LA-Punkbands like Adolescents, 45 Grave or T.S.O.L.. Deep and harmonic vocals borrowed from old british or belgian Postpunkbands and a creepy Coldwave-organ build up a melancholic atmosphere. But the four songs never drift into depressing territory. Melodic guitar hooks and up-tempo drums create a positve despair. Bandcamp 試聴 https://itselevenrecords.bandcamp.com/album/night-miasma-exhausted
Akkumuller - Stand And Deliver 7" (Limited Edition 195 / Hand numbered / Photo, Art Sleeve)
Nancy Records – Nancy5 (2023) Sponsored by Kernkrach A new fantastic band from Canada / Germany. Dark Wave / Synth Wave / EBM at his best! Bandcamp 試聴 https://kernkrach.bandcamp.com/album/stand-and-deliver
Half A Twin – Hat Say Fly! / Hat Say Streuner! 7" (Limited Edition 150 Marbled Vinyl / Numbered)
F.K.K.- Musik (Förderung Kosmischer Kunst) – FKK5 (2011) Originally from Schwerte in germany, H.A.T. is a discreet band that has made a few small releases : Kernkrach Attractive Zwischenfall. Starting in 2007, the band combines german, english and french lyrics with synth-pop melodies. While “The A.” seems to be the driving force on electronics, the arrangements are sublimated by the magnificent vocals of “The Miss". they're very secret musicians.
Dada Pogrom – Watford Underground Vinyl 7" (Limited Edition 175 / Numbered)
F.K.K.- Musik (Förderung Kosmischer Kunst) – FKK21 (2014) Dada Pogrom's founder and sole permanent member is Kenneth Walter Balys. He is a computer scientist specializing in cinema and electronic music and has been producing and performing electronic music since 1981. He harnesses technical knowledge garnered from years working in aerial geophysics and communications engineering to make art. Bandcamp 試聴 https://kernkrach.bandcamp.com/album/watford-underground
Element 104 – East Side Of Heaven Vinyl 7" EP (Limited Edition 250)
Kernkrach – Krach027 (2015) 250 hand-numbered copies were pressed in total. Includes info sheet. 80年代から活動する Miami Floridaの Synth Pop, Synth Waveバンド 80s シンセポップ ノスタルジー 埋もれていた逸材の名曲! Bandcamp 試聴 https://kernkrach.bandcamp.com/album/element-104
Fixed Lens - Swept Out To Sea 7" (Black Vinyl)
Dystopian post-punk based in Berlin, Germany. “Swept Out To Sea” signaling FIXED LENS first appearance on vinyl. While channeling the atmosphere of their highly acclaimed debut s/t EP, “Swept Out to Sea” centers on losing oneself in anger and rage, and the BPMs and intensity of these tracks increase accordingly. The b-side “Hideous Ecstasy” is an Orwellian cautionary tale of mob mentality, groupthink, and the ways society can quickly fall into patterns of violence. To coincide with the release of the EP, the band is debuting their first music video for the title track “Swept Out to Sea.” Percussive, distorted, and chorus-laden like its predecessor, these songs mark a more aggressive demeanor and form. These songs are more political and energetic than other contemporary post-punk fare, yet they fit seamlessly with seminal classics from which they draw much inspiration, at times reminiscent of KILLING JOKE or FRUSTRATION. As veterans of post-punk and hardcore bands (Totenwald, Nocturnal Scum), guitarist and singer Robert Hanna and synthesist Matthias Gaese paint an impression of a bleak and not-so-distant future from the current world in which we live. The tracks on “Swept Out to Sea” provide a portal into this potential world, one which must be questioned, and ultimately reformed before it is too late. Bandcamp https://unterschall.bandcamp.com/album/swept-out-to-sea
Ostseetraum – Mondmenschen 7" EP (Riso Cover printed at We make it Berlin. 300 copies)
Mangel – MNG015 (2022) Minimal wave band from Berlin, Germany with bass, guitar, synths, drum machines and vocals which performs noises in the vein of 80´s Zickzack and Consorters sound. Five new Ostseetraum songs can be heard on Mondmenschen EP. This time you can also hear a real drum kit, a bass guitar. A guitar is also included. In one of the songs you can also hear synths and a drum machine. In the first song you are not seen and in the second song you are trapped. In the third song you are a moon man and there is no more pain. In the fourth song you are empty and the little people are spreading in the last song. Die Mondmenschen EP as 7"!!! Recording & Mixing: Ostseetraum Mastering: Tobias Lill Coverartwork: ASL Bandcamp https://mangelrecords.bandcamp.com/album/mondmenschen-ep
Pigeon – Permanent Quest / Riged 7" EP
Mangel – MNG011 (2022) Noise rock / Post Punk band from Berlin, Germany. Bandcamp https://mangelrecords.bandcamp.com/album/permanent-quest-riged
The R.I.P.ped Nancy's – Nothing 7" EP (Limited Edition 195)
Nancy Records – Nancy4 (2022) lim. edition 195 copies, fold-out sleeve, numbered, photo Sponsored by Kernkrach Records / Recorded in Barrie/ON. Bandcamp https://kernkrach.bandcamp.com/track/the-r-i-p-ped-nancys-nothing
Pertrix Werke – Monoton 7" EP (Limited Edition 195)
Nancy Records – Nancy3 (2022) lim. edition 195 copies, hand numbered, photo, silk-screen print. Recorded in Reykjavik/Iceland, made in Canada. a side project by Dada Pogrom and Kernkrach. Synthwave/Darkwave/Minimal - the band use only analogue synths! Bandcamp https://kernkrach.bandcamp.com/track/pertrix-werke-monoton
Pleasure Victim – Stadt aus Glas 7" EP (Limited Edition 222)
Nancy Records – Nancy2 (2020) lim. edition 222 copies / Hand Numbered ,Hand Stamped Made in Canada. Sponsored by Kernkrach Records. Uwe Marx (Vocals) & Jonas Heyn (Guitar/Synth/Programming) によるBerlinのMinimal Wave SynthWave EBM Italo Disco Project
Police Des Moeurs – N'en Parlons Plus 7" EP (Limited Edition 200 Hand-Numbered)
F.K.K.- Musik (Förderung Kosmischer Kunst) – FKK8 (2012) Recorded and produced at À rebours studio in the summer of 2011. Formed in 2010 in Montreal, Police des moeurs got noticed right from the start with its infectious and direct synth pop. The band has released several recordings, including Péril, their fourth full lenght album on Berlin's Mannequin Records. The Canadian group has performed in Mexico, the United States, as well as in ten European countries, and has share the stage with The Damned, ADULT., TR / ST, Xeno & Oaklander, Automelodi, Essaie Pas, Xarah Dion, Duchess Says, to name a few. Bandcamp https://policedesmoeurs1.bandcamp.com/album/nen-parlons-plus-un-monde-sans-vasion-possible
Mad Voice – Drogen / Ohne Liebe leben 7" EP (Reissue, Remastered)
Wiener Brut – WB004 (2021) Sublabel of Neubau, focussing on releasing experimental electronic music from Austria's 80s DIY scene. 1982年リリースの唯一のシングルの再発盤 80s オーストリア アンダーグランド! Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/neubauwien/sets/mad-voice-drogen-ohne-liebe-leben-wb004
Schneider – Mitternacht 7" Single EP
Reach Another System – RAS005 (2021) Nickname used by Dirk Dresselhaus. Not to be confused with his experimental music project, Schneider TM. Schneider is a Freiburg based duo that tells those everyday stories everyone has already experienced. Stories of desire and lost love, a confrontation with short-lived and powerful encounters. Their debut release Mitternacht is a two-track 7“. The name-giving A-side is about the desperate search for some love, accompanied by a distorted bassline, melancholic synths and echo-ringing church bells. The B- side culminates in howls of emotion. The perfect soundtrack for lonesome walks in restless morning hours. Bandcamp https://rasrecords.bandcamp.com/album/mitternacht
Die Automne - Hiding In The Disco 7" EP (Limited edition of 200 copies, hand numbered, 3-D sleeve)
Hertz-Schrittmacher – HERTZ065 (2022) very lim. edition of 200 copies, hand numbered, 3-D sleeve New Dark Wave Electro Pop from Stockholm, a new project by Joel M, member of Sourire Duchenne. Bandcamp 試聴 https://kernkrach.bandcamp.com/album/hiding-in-the-disco?from=fanpub_fnb Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/die-automne/hiding-in-the-disco-wanting-you
Standing Ovation – What Meaning Vinyl EP 7' (DL Code) (限定275)
Dead Wax Records – DW022 (2019) 超限定プレスで毎リリース即完! レア音源 再発等で話題のSpainの質の高い自主独立レーベル イギリスのPaul BramhallとGlen Redgenによるミニマルシンセ ユニット 1983年にカセットのみでリリースされた音源の再発化 80s ミニマルシンセの傑作 全2曲 Bandcamp https://deadwaxrecords.bandcamp.com/album/what-meaning-dw022
Jinx / Madame Bovary – Rêve Inconscient / I'm A Runner Vinyl 7" EP (Limited 300 hand numbered)
Camisole Records – CAM018 (2020) 80s French Synth Cold Wave Jinx / Madame Bovary 2バンドによるスプリット Bandcamp https://camisolerecords.bandcamp.com/album/r-ve-inconscient-im-a-runner