♔ Sex Virgin Killer - The lights will fall Cassette Tape (2nd Press / Limited 100) ♔
♔ Düster Disk Emporium x She Past Away ♔ Collaboration T-shirt ♔
Soloist Anti Pop Totalization - 4 Songs on Extended Play Cassette Tape
Belgrado - Intra Apogeum LP / Home Front – Games Of Power LP (La Vida Es Un Mus)
Echo West – Reincarnation Of Doubts LP (Hertz-Schrittmacher / Kernkrach)
Ploho – Когда душа спит (When the soul sleeps) LP (Artoffact Records)
MARTIN DUPONT – Kintsugi LP (Infrastition & Meidosem Records)
The Frozen Autumn - The Shape Of Things To Come LP (Avantgarde Music)
Kill Shelter & Death Loves Veronica - The Sex Tape Sessions EP (Cold Transmission Music)
Transhuman Rebirth - Preparing Singularity LP / The Ultimate Dreamers - Echoing Reverie 12" EP (Wave Tension Records)
入荷予定商品 6月〜7月
Peine Perdue - No Souvenir / UFO Shadow - Hypergravité / Martial Canterel - Horizon Ltd.LP (Objet Trouvé)
MALE TEARS – Krypt / SDH - Fake Is Real LP (Avant! Records)
GREY GALLOWS – Strangers LP (Cold Transmission Music)
Euroshima – Desolación CD (+2 Bonus Tracks CD Exclusive)
Twilight Records – TW1177 (2024) 1987年の伝説的なデビューアルバム「Gala」のDark Entries (Vinyl) とTwilight (CD) での再リリースの世界的な成功に乗って, 37年ぶりにニュー・アルバムをリリースしたEuroshima。 ニューアルバム"Desolación"には12曲の新曲が収録されており,このアルゼンチンのカルト的なダーク・ウェーブ/ポストパンクバンドの決定的な復活を意味している。新しいシンガーをラインナップに加えたEuroshimaとその新しいアルバムはデビュー作「Gala」(Vertigo/Phonogram 1987) ですでに成し遂げたように, アルゼンチンの (そして国際的な) シーンに足跡を残すことを約束する。この新しいアルバムはまずCD (ボーナストラック2曲付)で発売され, 限定のVinyl Editionも間もなく発表される予定。 After 37 years without releasing any new material, Euroshima are surprisingly back with an all new album, riding high on the worldwide success of the re-release of ‘Gala’, their legendary debut album from 1987 on Dark Entries (Vinyl) and Twilight (CD) in recent years. The new album "Desolaciòn" contains 12 new songs, that signify the definitive return of this Argentine cult dark wave – post punk band. With a new singer in their line-up, Euroshima and their new album promise to leave a mark on the Argentine (and international) scene as they have already done with their debut "Gala" (Vertigo/Phonogram 1987). The new album will first made available on CD (incl. 2 bonus-tracks) and in a limited Vinyl Edition, to be announced shortly. .
The Names – Encore! CD (+3 Bonus Tracks CD Exclusive)
Spleen+ – SPAM1404CD (2025) ベルギーの伝説的なポストパンクとニューウェイヴのパイオニアTHE NAMESが "Encore!"をリリース。この待望のアルバムは 常に進化し続けるサウンドに対する彼らの揺るぎないコミットメントの証です。1977年以来, 彼らはユニークで折衷的なスタイルを貫き, 世界中のファンを魅了し続けています。JOY DIVISIONやNEW ORDERと並んで象徴的なファクトリーレコードから登場したTHE NAMESは音楽史にその名を刻んできました。熱狂的なファンと, これまでにない爽快なサウンドで "Encore!"は彼らの旅を続け, 彼らの永遠のディスコグラフィーに新たなマイルストーンを提供しています。 衝撃的なEP「Volume」と大胆なシングル「Far from the Factories」でスタートした"Encore!"は80年代初期のヴィンテージな響きと未来的なサウンドスケープへの探求が交わる音のタペストリーです。「Last Train from Nowhere」「Touch Touch Touch」「Watching for the New World」などのトラックは1980年代のスピリットを伝え「Sunny Side」や「Inadequacy」はノスタルジックな1960年代の雰囲気を伝えています。「Apophenia」「Lau-danum」「Swimming with Brian Jones」などの予期せぬ珠玉の曲は彼らの実験的な側面を強調し「Mei Mei」や「A Walk with Miss J」などの親密なトラックは内省の瞬間をもたらします。表題曲"Encore!"は最後の音のずっと後に響く, 時代の賛歌のように感じられます。これは普通のアルバムではありません。 ポストパンクの憂鬱, 実験的なアヴァンギャルド, そして切ないポップを織り交ぜながら, 数十年にわたる音楽的影響をめぐる活気に満ちた旅です。独特の複雑な歌詞の中に隠された暗示を解読しながら, 聴き手を回転させ続ける中毒性のあるサウンドの回転台を作り出すために, 雰囲気のある球体のインストゥルメンテーション, 心に残るボーカル, 印象的なギターがダイナミックなシンセと融合しています。"Encore!"は哀愁漂うCold Waveファンには欠かせないアイテムです。ブリュッセルより愛とエレクトリックの熱気を込めて-THE NAMESが帰ってきた。 Hey you, sitting on the edge of time… are you ready for the jump? Who better than the legendary Belgian post-punk and new wave pioneers THE NAMES to release a new album titled “Encore!”? This much-anticipated album stands as a testament to their unbreakable commitment to an ever-evolving sound. Since 1977, they’ve stayed true to their unique, eclectic style, captivating fans across the globe who continuously clamor for more. Emerging from the iconic Factory Records alongside JOY DIVISION and NEW ORDER, THE NAMES have etched their place in music history. With a cult following and a sound that remains as invigorating as ever, “Encore!” continues their journey, offering a fresh milestone in their timeless discography. Launched with the electrifying “Volume” EP and the bold “Far from the Factories” single, “Encore!” is a sonic tapestry where vintage echoes of the early '80s meet explorations into futuristic soundscapes. Tracks like “Last Train from Nowhere,” “Touch Touch Touch” or “Watching for the New World” carry the spirit of the 1980s, while “Sunny Side” and “Inadequacy” channel a nostalgic 1960s vibe. Unexpected gems like “Apophenia,” “Lau- danum,” and “Swimming with Brian Jones” highlight their experimental side, while intimate tracks like “Mei Mei” and “A Walk with Miss J” bring moments of reflection. The title track “Encore!” feels like an anthem for the ages, echoing long after the last note. This is no ordinary album - it’s a vibrant journey through decades of musical influences, weaving together post-punk melancholy, experimental avant-garde, and wistful pop. Atmo- spheric instrumentation, haunting vocals and striking guitars merge with dynamic synths to create an addictive carousel of sounds that keeps listeners spinning while deciphering hidden allusions in their characteristic convoluted lyrics. “Encore!” is a must-have for any fan of melancholic cold wave. From Brussels, with love and electric fervor - THE NAMES are back. Bandcamp 試聴 https://thenamesofficial.bandcamp.com/album/encore
Velvet Condom - Vanity And Revolt CD Compilation
Rustblade RBL039 (2013) / Tracks 17 & 18 - Unreleased 「Vanity and Revolt」は 彼らの3枚のアルバムの中から選りすぐりの作品と「Mini Skirt Mini Morals」のような未発表曲を手に入れる絶好の機会です。 「Vanity and Revolt」に収録されている全19タイトルはVelvet Condomのサウンドの多様性を体現しています。「Samt und Stein」や「Kalter Lippenstift」のようなダンサブルなエレクトロ・ウェイヴ・フロア・フィラーから「Menace」や「Never Ever」のようなクールで洗練されたアーバン・ファンのお気に入り, そして最後のモダン・シンセ・ポップのヒット曲「Rouge City」 まで。 絶対に必須!! ヴェルヴェットコンドームは、情熱的で雰囲気のある独自のサウンドに, 現代的なロマンチシズムのきらめきを漂わせています。お見逃しなく。(Andy from NO MORE)
UN HOMBRE SOLO - SUFRIMIENTO Y PENURIA Japan Tour 限定 ディスコグラフィー CD Fernando Jzによる NYC Darkwave / EBM / Cold Wave project 以前リリースされたアルバム : Desilusión Total (2022) / Rotundo Fracaso (2021) / UHS_2 (2020) / Fatal (2018) / ボーナストラックとしてLO PEORを収録 Bandcamp 試聴 https://synthicide.bandcamp.com/album/desilusion-total https://un-hombre-solo.bandcamp.com/album/rotundo-fracaso
V.A. Curses – Next Wave Acid Punx DEUX Compilation 3CD
Eskimo Recordings – 541416667030 (2023) Second compilation for Eskimo Recordings compiled and curated by Berlin-based Musician and DJ Luca Venezia, aka CURSES, Berlin-based Curses brings a romantic edge to the dance floor, blending 80's New Wave, the darker side of Italo-Disco and flashes of EBM with his own ghostly vocals. 3CDs (and 3 Double-Vinyls) DEUX features a mammoth 49 tracks that join the dots between early industrial pioneers Throbbing Gristle, EBM legends like Nitzer Ebb and the post-punk experiments of people like Malcolm McLaren or Big Audio Dynamite with some of the most exciting artists around today, such as Boy Harsher, Nuovo Testamento and Years of Denial. Where the first Next Wave Acid Punx compilation was a personal journey for Luca, a lockdown inspired exploration of his record collection to find the thread that ran through the music that had soundtracked much of his life, DEUX is a celebration of that music let loose on the world, the thrill of music performed live, the smoke and strobe filled clubs you'll hear it in and the artists you'll find on those stages. "With Next Wave Acid Punx DEUX I wanted to celebrate those bands and artists, past and present who, to me, represent that spirit. Both full live bands and makeshift electronic duos alike, the kind of acts that you might have found wedged between DJs back in the day at The Hacienda in the 80s, Trash in the 00s or today at nights like Berlin's MILK ME, EXBTN . in Paris, Night Terrors + SC&P in London, New York City's Synthicide or Ukraine's Worn Pop." So I've put this compilation together much like my favourite kind of night, going out to see some bands play, hitting up a club where live music and DJs blur together, before the serious business of the after party.” Bandcamp 試聴 https://cursesforever.bandcamp.com/album/next-wave-acid-punx-deux-2
Venin Carmin – Toxic Legends CD 6-panel Digipak
Icy Cold Records – ICR115, No Need Name – NNN-VNC-001 (2023) Born out from the ’80s underground music’s nurtured deviant imagination of Lula Borgia, with the prompt addition of Valentine Dedieu on the machines, the ‘sanguine pop’ French duo Venin Carmin delivers, since 2017, an uncompromising, unapologetic blend of New Wave with blood-red Pop and Cold Punk. The “H2D” single is the best way to enter into their universe. Dystopic, jeering, heady moods stir up bouncy skipping rhythms, throbbing resonant bass lines, frenzied icy bright melodies, and warped echoing stabs, to sway in chilly, dire frequencies around catchy layered vocals, releasing taunting laughs, caustic cries, and trippy echoes, into a detached chaos of surreal grooves. Immersive and imaginative, the visuals shuffle a brash and sassy performance by Venin Carmin with symbolic black-and-white scenes to sync seamlessly with the busy, in-yourface, energy of the soundtrack. Eye-catching wardrobe, fantasy make-up, and edgy attitudes set the stage for a day-to-night transition where the dynamic duo wanders from the graveyard to a strobing party scene, without missing a dramatic beat. Bandcamp 試聴 https://venincarmin.bandcamp.com/album/toxic-legends https://icycoldrecords.bandcamp.com/album/icr115-venin-carmin-toxic-legends
Crimson Scarlet – Collection: 2011-2014 CD
Doomed To Extinction Records – DTE-013 (2014) Anarcho Post Punk band from San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA. CD contains: Sanctuary 7" (Cool Summer Records) 12年1st 7"EP The Window 7" (Rust and Machine Records) '13年2nd 7"EP Athens Cave Sessions cassette (Doomed To Extinction Records) 14年Cassette Previously unreleased track Pink Turns Blue - "Walking On Both Sides" 収録 6 panel booklet. Lyrics included. Bandcamp 試聴 https://symphonyofdestruction.bandcamp.com/album/collection-2011-2014-lp
Rosegarden Funeral Party – Songs Of Heartbreak CD
Young And Cold Records – YCR/091 (2022) Rosegarden Funeral Party: Goth / Post Punk band from Dallas, Texas. The best songs from all previously released cassettes, EPs and albums combined on one extensive CD Bandcamp 試聴 https://youngandcoldrecords.bandcamp.com/album/songs-of-heartbreak
V.A. - Gothic File 22-3 - Young and Cold Sampler Vol.7 CD
Young And Cold Records – YCR/138 (2023) 参加アーティスト Ascii Disko / Plastikstrom, DIAF / Stranger And Lovers / Final Body / Forever Grey / DARK / Social Station / Deathtrippers / Neila Invo / Belly Hatcher / Blanche Biau, Carlo Onda / Potochkine / Rue Oberkampf / Werner Karloff / Equinoxious / Risk Risk / The Present Moment / Blood Handsome / Karl Kave Bandcamp https://youngandcoldrecords.bandcamp.com/album/gothic-file-22-3-young-and-cold-sampler-vol-7
V.A. – Castle Party 2022 (Limited Edition Digipak CD)
Alchera Visions – AVR035 (2022) Castle Party - the biggest in the Middle and Eastern Europe dark independent festival: www.castleparty.com Headliners and newcomers, the newest songs or the hits, special versions, unreleased or first time on cd format tracks. The selection of artists who stand for the spirit of Castle Party 2022 festival. The latest installment in the long existing ‘Castle Party’-compilation series,offers probably the strongest list of TOP bands ever for this successful series! The Castle Party compilations are not only a must have for the festival fans, but also for those who want to discover the versatility of the dark independent scene: from atmospheric metal,rebellious cold wave post-punk, decadent gothic rock to danceable electro or heavy industrial beats.Next to the well known stars of the dark scene, you will find there no less talented acts that are just starting their artistic path. The newest songs or the hits, special versions, unreleased or first time on cd format tracks.Castle Party 2022 compilation is an exclusive digipak containing seventeen selected works of artists who stand for the spirit of this year's festival. Artists / Tracks: 01 KÆLAN MIKLA – Stormurinn 02 AESTHETIC PERFECTION - Save Myself (feat. Isaac Howlett) 03 SHE PAST AWAY - La Maldad 04 JE T'AIME - Give Me more Kohl 05 BLUTENGEL - Our Souls will never die 06 ORDO ROSARIUS EQUILIBRIO - No Time like the Present - La Fleur du Mal 07 PSYCLON NINE - Money and Sex and Death 08 HOCICO - Backstabbers 09 PROJEKT CHANEL - Stan Umysłu 10 LACUNA COIL - Reckless (Radio Edit) 11 BY THE SPIRITS - Solitary I 12 BEDLESS BONES - Realign and Reign 13 ZERAPHINE - Be My Rain 14 MIGUEL AND THE LIVING DEAD - Batcave 15 SCREAMING DEAD - Night Creatures 16 ME AND THAT MAN - Fight (feat. John Porter) 17 SWEET ERMENGARDE - Standing by the Sea Bandcamp https://alcheravisions.bandcamp.com/album/castle-party-2022
The Frozen Autumn – Pale Awakening digipak CD with booklet containing pictures, verses and bonus tracks
Italian darkwave band founded in 1993 in Turin. Pale Awakening is the debut album by The Frozen Autumn, which originally saw the light in 1995 following the demotape Oblivion and various live gigs in Italy and abroad. These led to the CD release of this concept album with crepuscular sounds, at times inspired by the sound of 4AD and Projekt Records. Ten pieces that unfold between reflective and atmospheric moments, imbued with melancholy with more rhythmic openings, yet always characterized by a common feature: the oniric plane, the certainty of the existence of parallel realities, the escape from everyday life to embark on an inner journey, aware that "there is something beyond". 27 years after the first edition, Avantgarde Music re-releases Pale Awakening in two valuable collectible formats: 12 "colored double vinyl in a gatefold cover with lyrics, and digipak CD with booklet containing pictures, verses and bonus tracks(This Time remix & Bio Vital) Bandcamp https://avantgardemusic.bandcamp.com/album/pale-awakening
Various – Young & Cold Sampler Vol.6 CD
Young And Cold Records – YCR/136 (2022) 収録アーティスト Cymbaline / Diavol Strâin / Adam Usi / Ascii.Disko / Black Sun Dreamer / The Sweet Kill / Final Body / Forever Grey / Karl Kave / Lola Kumtus / Neila Invo / Paura Diamante / Social Station / Oberst Panizza / Shdws / QEK Junior / Rue Oberkampf / THYMIAN Bandcamp https://youngandcoldrecords.bandcamp.com/album/young-and-cold-sampler-vol-6
Leny Müh – Une Fugue Dissociative (Mulholland Drag Edition) CD
Recorded at L'Alimentation Studio, Toulouse, France Leny Müh - Cold Wave artist (Toulouse, France)のデビューEP CD フレンチポップやニューウェーブ,ポストパンクバンドの影響を受け,アメリカ映画のアイコン的要素をを取り入れた独特のクィア美学を表現。他のアーティストの追随を許さないユニークな物語世界を展開するLeny Mühは デビッド ボウイ/ジギー スターダストの分身のように "Mulholland Drag"として一人舞台に立つ Siouxsie And The BansheesのFrench Cover / ボーナストラックMorceaux de choix含む 全6曲 https://lenymuh.bandcamp.com/album/une-fugue-dissociative
Antipole – Radial Glare CD (限定300)
Young And Cold Records – YCR/046 (2019) CD 名が示す通り世界中から新しいアーティストを発掘リリースをするドイツの新興優良レーベル Coldwave / Melodic-hypnotic Post Punk project of Karl Morten Dahl (Norway) featuring Paris Alexander, Eirene & Marc Lewis 80sサウンドを軸にとても繊細に奏でる憂鬱なメロディーが胸を突き刺す 北欧の哀愁ロマンティック芸術 全11曲
Antipole – Northern Flux CD (限定300)
Unknown Pleasures Records – UPR 076 Coldwave / Melodic-hypnotic Post Punk project of Karl Morten Dahl (Norway) featuring Paris Alexander, Eirene & Marc Lewis 2017年リリースの1st デビューアルバム 80sサウンドを軸にとても繊細に奏でる憂鬱なメロディーが胸を突き刺す Joy Division - Insightのカバーを含む 北欧の哀愁ロマンティック芸術 全14曲
Grauzone S/T Album 40 Years Anniversary Edition Digipack CD Official Reissue
The original album + all additional songs from Grauzone discography, sourced from the original reels Overseen by Stephan Eicher With liner notes by Swiss music historian Lurker Grand
She Past Away - Part Time Punks Session Digipak CD (ライブレコーディング 限定1000枚) / Cassette Tape 49本限定 (GAG TAPE)
She Past Away - Part Time Punks Session CD (2020) (Fabrika Records – DS040) CD - Edition of 1000 hand-numbered copies. Released in a 4-panel clear-tray Digipak, no booklet Cassette Tape (GAG TAPE) 限定49本 Part Time Punks Session contains 8 songs performed live at Comp-NY Studio in Los Angeles in August 2019 She Past Away 初のライブレコーディングアルバム 現代版 ジョン ピール セッションズ 全8曲
Nao Katafuchi – Émergence Remastered CD Signed Limited (With 1 bonus track and 4 remixes by NO MORE/PSYCHE/Shade Factory)
VUZ Records – VUZ 022 (Nao Katafuchi 直筆サイン付き 限定バージョン) 2015年発表の1st Albumがリマスターされボーナストラック追加(1 bonus track and 4 remixes by NO MORE / PSYCHE / Shade Factory) でCDでリリース Piano sample on Awakening taken from Roy by Tomo Akikawabaya (from the album Kojiki To Onno, 1986), vocals by Tomo Akikawabaya & Rinko. 世界で活躍する日本代表Electronic Musician Nao Katafuchi 日本離れした卓越したセンスで奏でる音色はどこか懐かしく哀愁に誘い引き込まれる... 研ぎ澄まされた感性が胸を突き刺すCold Romantic Wave全15曲
She Past Away - X Digipak 2CD (Limited Special Edition ,Numbered) 限定1010枚
She Past Away - X Digipak 2CD (Limited Special Edition ,Numbered) 限定1010枚 (Fabrika Records – DS037) Released in a 6-panel Digipak with clear trays (right and left panels) and a die-cut slot (middle panel); includes a 2-page insert, no lyrics. バンド結成10周年を祝して新旧 Dark Wave/Post Punkシーンの錚々たるアーティストによるリミックスアルバム全22曲。 80sから未来へ繋がる画期的アルバム。必聴!
She Past Away-Disko Anksiyete CD / Cassette Tape 110本限定 (GAG TAPE)
She Past Away-Disko Anksiyete CD Jewel case (Metropolis – MET 1195) Cassette Tape (GAG TAPE) 110本限定 現行最高峰 トルコ出身のDark Wave Duo SHE PAST AWAYの2019年リリースのサードアルバム。より洗練された楽曲群で魂を揺さぶられ美しく暗黒の世界に引きずり込まれる。トルコ語の独特な歌詞が特徴的な80's Electro Dark Waveサウンド。 一度聴いたら離れない... 中毒性有り!!
She Past Away - Narin Yalnızlık Digipak CD / Cassette Tape 110本限定 (GAG TAPE)
She Past Away - Narin Yalnızlık CD (Fabrika Records) (2019) Cassette Tape (GAG TAPE) 110本限定 トルコ出身 DARK WAVE バンド SHE PAST AWAYの2015年リリースのセカンドアルバム。前作から3年 多様性のある繊細な楽曲群で聴き惚れる さらなる深みへと突き進む... トルコ語の独特な歌詞が特徴的な80's Electro Dark Waveサウンド。 一度聴いたら離れない... 中毒性有り!!
She Past Away - Belirdi Gece Digipak CD / Cassette Tape 110本限定 (GAG TAPE)
She Past Away - Belirdi Gece CD (Metropolis – MET 1164) Remixed and Remastered 2018 Cassette Tape (GAG TAPE) 110本限定 トルコ出身 DARK WAVE バンド SHE PAST AWAYのファーストアルバム。トルコ語の独特な歌詞が特徴的な80's Electro Dark Waveサウンド。一度聴いたら離れない... 中毒性有り!!
VA Various – Young & Cold V - Festival Sampler Vol. 4 CD
Young And Cold Records – YCR/020 (2017) 紙ジャケットCD 世界中から合計21のアーティストが参加する 世界の今を感じられる最先端オムニバスアルバム ジャンル Darkwave / Post-Punk / EBM / Minimal / Synth-pop
VA Various – Young & Cold VI - Festival Sampler Vol. 5 CD
Young And Cold Records – YCR/033CD (2018) 紙ジャケットCD 世界中から合計19のアーティストが参加する 世界の今を感じられる最先端オムニバスアルバム ジャンル Minimal / Post-Punk / Synth-pop / Synthwave