♔ Sex Virgin Killer - The lights will fall Cassette Tape (2nd Press / Limited 100) ♔
♔ Düster Disk Emporium x She Past Away ♔ Collaboration T-shirt ♔
Soloist Anti Pop Totalization - 4 Songs on Extended Play Cassette Tape
Belgrado - Intra Apogeum LP / Home Front – Games Of Power LP (La Vida Es Un Mus)
Echo West – Reincarnation Of Doubts LP (Hertz-Schrittmacher / Kernkrach)
Ploho – Когда душа спит (When the soul sleeps) LP (Artoffact Records)
MARTIN DUPONT – Kintsugi LP (Infrastition & Meidosem Records)
The Frozen Autumn - The Shape Of Things To Come LP (Avantgarde Music)
Kill Shelter & Death Loves Veronica - The Sex Tape Sessions EP (Cold Transmission Music)
Transhuman Rebirth - Preparing Singularity LP / The Ultimate Dreamers - Echoing Reverie 12" EP (Wave Tension Records)
入荷予定商品 6月〜7月
Peine Perdue - No Souvenir / UFO Shadow - Hypergravité / Martial Canterel - Horizon Ltd.LP (Objet Trouvé)
MALE TEARS – Krypt / SDH - Fake Is Real LP (Avant! Records)
GREY GALLOWS – Strangers LP (Cold Transmission Music)
Soloist Anti Pop Totalization - In The Beginning Of A New World Cassette (Limited Edition)
tonn032 (2022) White cassette, on body printed, liner printed on heavy grade satin card. "Second Press 限定 最終入荷" 東京出身 "Soloist Anti Pop Totalization"のRikinari Hata氏による最新アルバムカセット ヴィンテージシンセの複雑な音質が織りなす独特な世界観のミニマルビートに魅惑される "S.A.P.T.3部作の最終章" 最後のテーマ "新しい世界" 待望のリリース! Soloist is Japanese Experimental minimal synth project. Another work is local label "instant tunes The final chapter of the S.A.P.T. trilogy The cyclical rhythm that forms the architecture of Soloist Anti Pop Totalization, creates an unfaltering intensity played out in synth. His analogue machines weave an intricate texture of metallic sounds, that sharpen the ear and draw us into his compelling musical world. Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 music and lyrics by Soloist Anti Pop Totalization. Track 5 music and lyrics by Rikinari Hata (originally composed by The Warm in 2000) arrangement by Soloist Anti Pop Totalization. Recording and mixing August and September 2021. Equipment used Roland SH-101, TR-606, MC-202. Cover design by Nieuw NDG / Ivan Antunovic Bandcamp https://soloistantipoptotalization.bandcamp.com/album/in-the-beginning-of-a-new-world Soloist Anti Pop Totalization https://linktr.ee/soloistantipoptotalization
Soloist Anti Pop Totalization - 4 Songs on Extended Play Cassette Tape (Limited 30 Standard Edition)
東京出身 "Soloist Anti Pop Totalization"のRikinari Hata氏による最新フィジカルリリース! ヴィンテージシンセの複雑な音質が織りなす独特な世界観のミニマルビートに魅惑される "S.A.P.T.三部作のの第一章として2021年3月にデジタルリリースされた作品 "4 Songs on Extended Play"がカセットで発売! スタンダード エディション30本限定。 COVID-19の災害を描いたS.A.P.T.三部作の第一章。 "Extended Play"はパンデミックの世界と宗教を振り返るために作られた。当初はフィジカルでの発売を予定していたがプレス工場の遅延の影響でデジタル先行での発売となった。 イギリスのレーベルPolytechnic Youthからレーベルファン限定でリリースされたクリスマスチューン "Ode To Street Hassle" (Spacemen 3カバー) Nao Katafuchiのコンピレーション "FORBIDDEN FIGURES" からの "Deadly Disease" さらにエクスクルーシブな "S/A/P/T" "Zen-Butu" の全4曲を収録。 4 Songs on Extended Play was released digitally in March 2021 as the first chapter of the S.A.P.T. trilogy. The standard edition will be limited to 30 copies. The first chapter of S.A.P.T. trilogy on the COVID-19 disaster. "Extended Play" was created to reflect on the world and religion in a pandemics. It was originally planned to be released in physical format, but due to the effects of delays at the press plant, so it was released digitally first. Includes 4 tracks: "Ode To Street Hassle (Spacemen3 cover)", a Christmas tune released exclusively for label fans by the UK label Polytechnic Youth, "Deadly Disease" from Nao Katafuchi's compilation "FORBIDDEN FIGURES", and exclusive tracks "S/A/P/T" and "Zen-Butu". Songs 1, 2, 4 were Lyrics and music by Soloist Anti Pop Totalization. Song 3 Lyrics and music by Spacemen3 Song 3 was arranged by Soloist Anti Pop Totalization. Bandcamp 試聴 https://soloistapartment.bandcamp.com/album/4songs-on-extended-play
Dystatik Synth Compilation Cassette Tape (Limited Edition 100 Clear)
Dystatikはシンセサイザー音楽に特化した新しいVarious Artistsコンピレーション"Dystatik Synth Compilation"をリリース。ギリシャのシンセシーンにフォーカスした"Greek Synth Compilation"に続くパートIIで, 世界で最も重要なアーティストやバンドによる世界のシンセミュージックシーンの美学を紹介します。 Dystatik proudly presents the new Various Artists compilation dedicated to Synth music: Dystatik Synth Compilation. The part II after the ''Greek Synth Compilation'' which was dedicated on the Greek Synth scene, is here to present the aesthetic of world’s Synth music scene by some of the most important artists and bands out there. The compilation comes with a limited edition of 100 cassette tapes 収録アーティスト Night In Athens / Hammershøi / El Ojo y La Navaja / Wire Spine / Visitor / Oberst Panizza / Black Light Smoke / WLDV Bandcamp 試聴 https://dystatik.bandcamp.com/album/dystatik-synth-compilation
Corbeau Hangs & Polina Suffer Split Cassette Tape (Limited Edition Clear)
DystatikはCorbeau Hangs & Polina Sufferによる初のスプリットアルバムを発表できることを嬉しく思います。USアリゾナのManuel Perez率いるDarkwave / PostPunkデュオと,Tommaso LeporaleとBeatrice Bartoliniによるイタリアを拠点とするGothic Darkwaveデュオは ダークな音楽と狂気に満ちた歌詞で催眠術のようなDarkwaveを披露しています。 Dystatik is pleased to present the first split album of the family by Corbeau Hangs & Polina Suffer. The Darkwave/Post Punk duo lead by Manuel Perez from Arizona and the Italy-based Gothic Darkwave duo by Tommaso Leporale and Beatrice Bartolini delivers a hypnotic Darkwave with dark music and madly lyrics. Master by Dry_Feel Designed by Tommaso Leporale Artwork by Dry_Feel Bandcamp 試聴 https://dystatik.bandcamp.com/album/corbeau-hangs-polina-suffer-split
Plague Pits - Bukolik Cassette Tape (Limited Edition 100)
Plague Pits is a collective from Bern, Switzerland. Inspired by the D.I.Y. electronic tape underground of yore, they play disco dirges for the Anthropocene – cold wave for a heating planet. "The first single from Swiss synth outfit Plague Pits’ forthcoming Bukolik serves as an excellent introduction to their style. The measured and precise pulse of first wave synthpop stands out initially, but as the track stretches beyond its presumed running time the sense of uncanny menace the group have used Human League-esque sounds to connote on their earlier work becomes apparent." - I DIE : YOU DIE - “Bleak yet clangouring and mesmerizing visions of the world’s end […] Plague Pits implement a tense and disturbing diverse synthetic/organic concoction of Industrial, Post-punk and Synth Wave elements to carve hallucinatory, surrealistic nightmares of apocalyptic dread” - Fabrizio Lusso (White Light // White Heat) Written and recorded by Plague Pits in 2024. Mastered by Pete Burns (aka Kill Shelter). Bandcamp 試聴 https://thisisplaguepits.bandcamp.com/album/bukolik
Alix Van Ripato - Nishiōji Cassette Tape (Limited Edition 100)
"Nishioji" (京都)は アリックス・ヴァン・リパトとマルチン・ソボレフが来日後の2024年2月から3月にかけてBridderhausで制作した金属彫刻に関連したアンビエント サウンドプロジェクトである。 ジャパニーズ・フィールドレコーディングに基づく音の旅である"Nishioji"は 神道とそのアニミズム的側面からインスピレーションを受け, 彫刻の6つの要素(洞穴, 草木, 水, 山, 岩, 太陽)に絵画の形で声を与えている。吉村弘のジャパニーズ・アンビエントにインスパイアされたこのサウンドトラックは、私たちを詩的な浮遊感に浸らせてくれます。 "Nishioji"は2024年6月16日, ルクセンブルクのエッシュ=シュル=アルゼットにあるブリッデルハウスで行われた開館式の日に生演奏されました。 Nishiōji is an ambient sound project related to a metal sculpture made by artist duo Alix Van Ripato and Marcin Sobolev during their artistic residence in Bridderhaus in February and March 2024 following a trip to Japan. A sonic journey based on Japanese Field Recording, Nishiōji is inspired by Shinto and its animist aspect and gives a voice to the six elements of the sculpture (the cave, the plants, the water, the mountain, the rock, and the sun) in the form of paintings. This ambient sound immerses us in a poetic suspension. Nishiōji was played live on the day of the opening of the sculpture, on June 16, 2024 at Bridderhaus in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. Bandcamp 試聴 https://alixvanripato.bandcamp.com/album/nishi-ji Alix Van Ripato Instagram www.instagram.com/alixvanripato/ Marcin Sobolev Instagram www.instagram.com/marcinsobolev/ www.instagram.com/studio_sobolev/
Pasivni Posmatrači Prirode – Outro (PPP – Intro) Cassette Tape
Castra – BL6 (2024) PPP (Pasivni Posmatrači Prirode) : Dark Synth Pop band from Niš, Serbia (former Yugoslavia) アルバム『Outro』はユーゴスラビアのNiš label Domが1991年にリリースしたアルバム『Intro』の音源をリマスターしたバージョン。トラックリストは再編成され, このリリースのために保存された新曲 (旧曲) がいくつか含まれています。 The album Outro is an expanded and remastered version of the album Intro from 1991 released by the Niš label Dom. The tracklist has been rearranged and contains several new (old) songs that were saved for this release. Even when the Intro was being created, we had the Outro in mind. We were just waiting for the right moment, and the time is now... Bandcamp 試聴 https://castrarecords.bandcamp.com/album/outro
Sex Virgin Killer - Double A side New EP 『Heaven』 (Limited 150 cassette tape)
レーベル:lilii sound loom / 品番:lilii-010 2023年11月に待望の2nd Full Album「DEVIL」をリリースしたSex Virgin Killerが、記念すべき-Darkwave set-での初の作品となる新作EP「Heaven」を早くもリリース! 2023年のBlu Anxxety(from NYC)との東名阪ツアーも記憶に新しいSVKは、その後もAidan Baker(NADJA - from Germany)や、Un Hombre Solo(from NYC)(※SVKのコンポーザー/DNAでもあるLilii Mar a.k.a masaのソロ名義Lilii Marで共演)等、来日アーティスト勢との交流が加速し、国内のみならず海外の異才ミュージシャン・バンドからもその動向が注目される存在となっている。 今作はInstrumentalを含む全6曲収録。 リード・ソング2曲の内の1曲は、Lilii Marのデビュー・シングル「Angel」のSVK version。幽玄な音像の中に浮かび上がる至高の泣きのメロディが心の奥深く、琴線へと触れていく耽美な名曲。 そしてDarkwaveアレンジとして生まれ変わった「Bright Nightmare (ver. Dance in Gloomy Lights)」は、Darkwaveアプローチによって音の関係性、曲が本来持つ美しい構造が露となり、新たな魅力を獲得/提示。ダークな世界とキャッチーさを共存させた楽曲はゴス・ウェイヴの新時代の幕開けをも予感させる。 ミックスは名匠・君島結(Tsubame Studio)、マスタリングは中村宗一郎(Peace Music)が担当。 Cover art, design & layoutはAndro Kristianによるもの。 ポストパンク・ゴス・ダークウェイヴシーンのみならず世界の音楽シーンへ羽ばたく珠玉の作品。 -Track List- [Side A] 1. Introduction 2. Angel 3. Bright Nightmare (ver. Dance in Gloomy Lights) [Side B] 1. Angel (ver. Heaven) 2. Angel (Insturmental) 3. Bright Nightmare (ver. Dance in Gloomy Lights / Insturmental) Aisha - Vocals Lilii Mar a.k.a masa - Synthesizers & Guitars, Composer Hammer - Drums, Percussion & Electronics Music by Lilii Mar a.k.a masa Words by Aisha & Lilii Mar a.k.a masa All Songs Written & Produced by Sex Virgin Killer Mixed by Yui Kimijima (Tsubame Studio) Recorded & Engineered by lilii at lilii sound loom, Sonic Band Studio Mastered by Soichiro Nakamura (Peace Music) Cover art, design & layout by Andro Kristian Angel is the debut single song by Lilii Mar a.k.a masa, a founding member of SVK. This song is a self-cover of SVK version. Sex Virgin Killer Bandcamp URL: https://sexvirginkiller.bandcamp.com
Art Fact – The Nuclear Princess Cassette Tape
Castra – BL4 (2024) Electronic band formed in Stockholm, Sweden ca. 1986, active to 1993. The band released three cassette-demo tapes. Official reissue of the third Art Fact cassette album from 1992. Bandcamp 試聴 https://castrarecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-nuclear-princess
Art Fact – Nowadays Cassette Tape
Castra – BL3 (2024) Electronic band formed in Stockholm, Sweden ca. 1986, active to 1993. The band released three cassette-demo tapes. The second cassette demo from Art Fact was released in 1990, and is widely considered their best effort. Official reissue of the second Art Fact cassette album from 1990. Bandcamp 試聴 https://castrarecords.bandcamp.com/album/nowadays
Art Fact – In Fact Cassette Tape
Castra – BL2 (2024) Electronic band formed in Stockholm, Sweden ca. 1986, active to 1993. The band released three cassette-demo tapes. The first Art Fact cassette, released in 1989, with simple and minimalistic, naïve songs about love and hate. Official reissue of the first Art Fact cassette album from 1989~90. Bandcamp 試聴 https://castrarecords.bandcamp.com/album/in-fact
Ofelia Ortodoxa - Basics For Sadness Cassette Tape (Clear / Black)
〜 DYSTATIK 〜 We are more than happy to introduce you the second release of the year by one of the most interest and expressive producers of the Colombian electronic music scene Ofelia Ortodoxa. Ofelia return's to Dystatik, this time for his debut album on the label called "Basics For Sadness", after rescued tracks and ideas from old cassette recordings and making new collaborations with Valanais (track 1&3) and Ferdinand Carclash (track 4) offering us a powerful EP in Minimal Synth and Dark Wave aesthetic using for all of them, a certain nostalgic feel. Produced and mixed by Ofelia Ortodoxa Mastered by Filmmaker Artwork by Dry_Feel Special thanks to Valanaïs & Ferdinand Cärclash Bandcamp 試聴 https://dystatik.bandcamp.com/album/ofelia-ortodoxa-basics-for-sadness
Kama Muta - ΟΙ ΦΩΝΕΣ ΚΑΗΚΑΝ Cassette Tape (Limited Edition 50 Clear)
〜 DYSTATIK 〜 We are pleased to welcome to Dystatik's family a Darkwave duo from Thessaloniki, Greece founded by tristixia and sofia spyridonidou, named Kama Muta. On their debut album in Dystatik they introduce us 8 +1 bonus (digital only) tracks, fluctuating from Synth Pop to Darkwave and from Minimal Synth to Synth Punk sounds, when the same time, the lyrics unfolding an allegorical story within a dystopian setting. An infinite buzz in a boundless echo. 8 times that the voices burned. "A diver stares at a fire victim forcing him to sink.... then burning together" Composed by tristixia and sofia spyridonidou Lyrics by tristixia Recorded diy Mix/Master by Savas Kaisaritis Artwork by Dry_Feel kama muta means "moved by love" in sanskrit; Α warm sensation in the chest leading to tears or shivering, signaling a powerful moment. Bandcamp 試聴 https://dystatik.bandcamp.com/album/kama-muta
Plague Pits – Creatures Cassette Tape (Limited Edition 100 / Hand Numbered)
Transnecropolitan – TNP04 (2023) Plague Pits is a collective from Bern, Switzerland. Inspired by the D.I.Y. electronic tape underground of yore, they play disco dirges for the Anthropocene – cold wave for a heating planet. Conceived and recorded over a span of six months in early 2022. Released on TRANSNECROPOLITAN as a digital, limited cassette and limited vinyl album. “While waiting in the bread line/to collect your crumbs/Give thanks to the master/Whose table they fall from” is the first lyrical couplet on Plague Pits’ Creatures, the words delivered wryly against a throwback synthpop instrumental. That track, “The Dignity of Serfdom”, is a pretty clear mission statement from the Swiss collective, encapsulating both the political and social perspectives that define the record lyrically, and the classic synth stylings of its instrumentation. There’s a careful balance at play here, one that the record’s success hinges upon: trading on inherently nostalgic musical ideas and sounds, without having them overshadow the actual material. Plague Pits’ approach is to keep things fluid and not drink too deeply from any specific well of inspiration. While the aforementioned “The Dignity of Serfdom” and “Beasts of the Field” put me in mind of The Human League pre-Dare with their snappy drum programming and nice clean mix, there’s a distinctly more punky energy at play on the manic Normal-esque “Like Drowning”. They even nod to genre forebearers on instrumentals “Polyethylene” and “Lights Out for the Territory”, which are possessed of the dignified and wistful air of the earliest strains of electronic pop. Interestingly, you can easily see the way in which the album’s thematics – urban and techological alienation, social and religious hypocrisy – feel both appropriate to the retro-flavour of the record and relevant to the current political climate. You could easily be forgiven for assuming “Ghost Acreage”‘s screed against the dehumanizing nature of labour in a capitalist society hailed from Thatcherite Britain, but the warehouses it invokes could just as easily belong to Amazon. In that same way, there’s a timelessness to the mock piety with which “Magadalene” makes its point about coded ideas of ‘purity’ and its use as a means of control that is depressingly easy to relate to current conservative political movements. Hell, “01001010010” uses a sample of a reading from “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream” in lieu of any original lyrics, pinpointing that story’s prescient view of our relationship with technology in ways that feel pointed in a way the toothless satire of Black Mirror can only dream of." - Alex Kennedy, I DIE : YOU DIE - Bandcamp 試聴 https://thisisplaguepits.bandcamp.com/album/creatures
Davíd Wunderlich – First They've Built Their Walls Cassette Tape (Limited Edition 50 Neon Pink)
Unterschall – US-007 (2023) In his debut EP, Davíd Wunderlich is reflecting on his teenage years in a small and conservative suburb many might be familiar with. Each one of the six tracks is a personal reckoning with the lethargy within this world, the longing for escape, the successful breakout, and ultimately the alienated return to a place characterized by social coldness, uniformity, and toxic masculinity. Nestled between synth-pop and post-punk, the EP exhibits grandeur as well as quiet, introspective moments. Drum machines with (synth-)basslines provide the energetic foundation, while minimalist guitars and eclectic samples set the mood. Davíd Wunderlich's warm and deep tenor voice, accompanied by background choirs, is narrating its stories with a tinge of melancholy and accusation. Bandcamp 試聴 https://unterschall.bandcamp.com/album/first-theyve-built-their-walls
Hidden Lines – Uusi Aalto Cassette Tape
Unterschall – US - 006 (2023) Hidden Lines is a electronic music duo from Stockholm. With a vision to make dark emotional music inspired by the different waves of the 80s. The Finnish-German-English lyrics are often melancholy and poetic, with a playful naivety. Bandcamp 試聴 https://hiddenlines.bandcamp.com/album/uusi-aalto https://unterschall.bandcamp.com/album/uusi-aalto
Fiasko Leitmotiv – A Noiseless Patient Spider Cassette Tape (Limited Edition 100)
Unterschall – USR-005 (2023) Fiasko Leitmotiv is a four-headed band that combines post-punk and wave vibes in a unique sound. Established in 2020 and based in Milan, Italy. Experience the captivating blend of Post-Punk and Neue-Neue-Deutschewelle with “A Noiseless Patient Spider” by Fiasko Leitmotiv from Milano, Italy. Produced by Unterschall Records, this limited edition audio cassette is handcrafted with care, limited to only 100 pieces. Each cassette is a unique work of art, featuring a handmade collage on cardboard and stamps that add a touch of individuality to every piece. This cassette delivers the raw energy and introspective lyrics that Fiasko Leitmotiv is known for. Immerse yourself in the sonic world of this Milanese band and own a collector's item that is truly one-of-a-kind. Bandcamp 試聴 https://unterschall.bandcamp.com/album/a-noiseless-patient-spider
Corbeau Hangs - Optograms Cassette Tape (Limited Edition 50 High-bias cassette tape)
Model Workers Records – MWR C009 (2023) “Optograms” is the debut album by Corbeau Hangs after a release of 3 singles. This album is very much finding my sound and soul within the art of sound. Mixing various influences such as modern acts like Twin Tribes, She Past Away and other acts like Clan of Xymox, Pink Turns Blue. Mixing the rawness of post-punk with the ambience and grittiness of synths and drum machines. Optograms is an image extracted from the eye seen right before death. These are my sounds visualized right before death. Bandcamp 試聴 https://corbeauhangs.bandcamp.com/album/optograms https://modelworkersrecords.bandcamp.com/album/corbeau-hangs-optograms
Квартира номер 6 - Парус Cassette Tape (Limited Edition 50 High-bias cassette tape)
Model Workers Records – MWR C007 (2023) Квартира номер 6 : Lo-fi musician from Ukraine in such directions as post-punk, darkwave, new wave. My music is more than just sounds Музыкальный проект одного человека для одного человека Debut album Ukrainian Post Punk!! Bandcamp 試聴 https://110bpm.bandcamp.com/album/- https://modelworkersrecords.bandcamp.com/album/6-ltd-tapes
My Manifesto - Hopeless Cassette Tape (Limited Edition 50 High-bias cassette tape)
Model Workers Records – MWR C005 (2023) MY MANIFESTO : Post Punk / Dark Wave (Pittsburgh,USA) Bandcamp 試聴 https://mymanifesto.bandcamp.com/album/hopeless https://modelworkersrecords.bandcamp.com/album/my-manifesto-hopeless
FEVR - TAPE ALBUM Cassette Tape (Limited Edition 50 High-bias cassette tape)
Model Workers Records – MWR C004 (2023) FEVR : Far from sunny and bright, Fevr offers a unique brand of pure coldwave/newwave/post-punk with a heavy darkwave and darksynth influence, endearingly menacing synth work, callous and brooding vocals, stellar guitar and drum work, and deep, thought-provoking yet simply relatable lyricism, this band is a creation of a cold, desolate, and sorrowful stroke of genius from an anxious mind. Limited edition cassette-tape including 10 songs selected by FEVR and Model Workers Records. Some of our first songs as Fevr on a limited cassette run Bandcamp 試聴 https://modelworkersrecords.bandcamp.com/album/fevr-tape-album-ltd-tapes
Ultrasaturated – Universal Hologram Cassette Tape (Limited Edition 30 High-bias cassette tape)
Model Workers Records – MWR C003 (2023) Ultrasaturated : dream pop band based in an indefinite point between Amsterdam and northern Italy. ultrasaturated sees the light in 2022, when the band meets up to spend a week in a cabin in the Italian alps, surrounded by nature and stillness. In this magical environment their first work took shape, an ethereal soundscape that is a mix of dream pop, post-punk, new wave and shoegaze. Debut EP “Universal Hologram” is out now!! Bandcamp 試聴 https://ultrasaturated.bandcamp.com/album/universal-hologram-2 https://modelworkersrecords.bandcamp.com/album/ultrasaturated-universal-hologram
Total Resistance / I.Woke.Up.Chinese Split EP Cassette Tape (Limited Edition 20 hi-bias cassette tape)
Model Workers Records – MWR C006 (2023) Total Resistance : Two musicians from the suburbs of Paris combine coldwave-inspired bass lines and lyrics from Harvey, with jerky drum machines and new wave synths from Samuel. I.Woke.Up.Chinese : Based in France, Postpunk project and kind of band that places its synthetizers, drum machines and chorus guitars at the center of tracks that shamelessly marry post-punk, dark-wave, italo-disco and new-wave. Bandcamp 試聴 https://modelworkersrecords.bandcamp.com/album/slit-ep-vol-ii-total-resistance-i-woke-up-chinese
I.Woke.Up.Chinese - Situations Cassette Tape (Limited Edition High-bias cassette tape)
Model Workers Records – MWR C002 (2023) I.WOKE.UP.CHINESE : Based in France, I.Woke.Up.Chinese is a Postpunk project and kind of band that places its synthetizers, drum machines and chorus guitars at the center of tracks that shamelessly marry post-punk, dark-wave, italo-disco and new-wave. Bandcamp 試聴 https://modelworkersrecords.bandcamp.com/album/i-woke-up-chinese-situations-ltd-tapes