Soloist Anti Pop Totalization - In The Beginning Of A New World Cassette (Limited Edition)
¥2,300 税込
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tonn032 (2022)
White cassette, on body printed, liner printed on heavy grade satin card.
"Second Press 限定 最終入荷"
東京出身 "Soloist Anti Pop Totalization"のRikinari Hata氏による最新アルバムカセット
ヴィンテージシンセの複雑な音質が織りなす独特な世界観のミニマルビートに魅惑される "S.A.P.T.3部作の最終章" 最後のテーマ "新しい世界" 待望のリリース!
Soloist is Japanese Experimental minimal synth project. Another work is local label "instant tunes
The final chapter of the S.A.P.T. trilogy
The cyclical rhythm that forms the architecture of Soloist Anti Pop Totalization, creates an unfaltering intensity played out in synth. His analogue machines weave an intricate texture of metallic sounds, that sharpen the ear and draw us into his compelling musical world.
Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 music and lyrics by Soloist Anti Pop Totalization.
Track 5 music and lyrics by Rikinari Hata (originally composed by The Warm in 2000) arrangement by Soloist Anti Pop Totalization.
Recording and mixing August and September 2021.
Equipment used Roland SH-101, TR-606, MC-202.
Cover design by Nieuw NDG / Ivan Antunovic
Soloist Anti Pop Totalization
¥2,300 税込