Darkways – Resonance LP (Limited Edition 300 Black Vinyl / Second Pressing)
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Young And Cold Records – YCR/193 (2024)
スペインでは1980年初頭からゴシック/ダークウェイヴが盛んになりましたが, 当時はイギリスやアメリカの影響を受けていました。それにもかかわらず Paralisis Permanenteや後のGothic Sexのようなバンドや Esplendor Geometricoのような幅広いエレクトロ・インダストリアル・シーンがあった。World Wide Webの躍進以来, 世界中のバンドとリスナーが簡単に集まるようになり, 「エキゾチック」 な国からのエキサイティングなバンドが絶えず生まれています。スペインのトリオDarkwaysは過去2年間にいくつかのデジタル・レコーディングをリリースしてきたが, 今回,彼らの最初のレコードとCDのアルバム"Resonance"を発表する。バンドの自己紹介は「様々な影響とエレクトロニック・サウンドへの情熱を持つバルセロナ出身のDarkwave/Post-Punk」。これには多くの真実がありますが, 基本的には90年代のスタイルの長い純粋なGothrockであり 残念ながら今日ではほとんど聞かれません。キャッチーなプロダクションと繰り返されるシンセサウンドはDarkwaysが注目を集めること間違いなしのDarkwaveクラブに十分な材料を提供している。
Darkways is a darkwave band from Barcelona, Spain, blending influences from rock and metal with a passion for exploring the realms of post-punk and synthesizer-based sounds.The band creates a captivating sonic landscape where darkwave sensibilities meet the nostalgic echoes of vintage electronic soundscapes.
Like Italy, Spain developed a lively Gothic/Darkwave-scene early on, from the beginning of the 1980s, but at the time it was overshadowed by acts from England and the USA. Nevertheless, there were bands such as Paralisis Permanente or later Gothic Sex and a broad Electro/Industrial scene, for example Esplendor Geometrico. Since the breakthrough of the World Wide Web, it has become easy for bands and listeners from all over the world to come together and exciting bands from „exotic" countries are constantly emerging. The Spanish trio DARKWAYS have released several recordings digitally over the last two years and now present „Resonance", their first album on vinyl and CD. The band´s self-description is „Darkwave from Barcelona with various influences and a passion for electronic sounds/Post-Punk." There is a lot of truth in this, but basically it is pure Gothrock in the style of the 90s for long stretches, which is unfortunately rarely heard today. The catchy production and repeated synth- sounds also provide enough material for the Darkwave-clubs, where DARKWAYS are sure to attract some attention. Songs like „Shadowdancer" and especially „I like the Night (And the Night likes Me)" will quickly find their fans. „Inexistance" is reminiscent of Guitar Wave with driving drums and Goth-vocals, a mixture that is guaranteed to reach an audience. „Neon Lights" is not, as one might expect, dedicated to the 80s, but pure 90s Darkwave. „Madness", on the other hand, rocks hard and is guaranteed to be a live favourite. Finally, „More than Dreams" also offers the certain rock-influence and could also make the album interesting for mainstream listeners. In the end, however, as mentioned at the beginning, it is Gothrock with Darkwave-vibes, high catchiness and pleasantly unaffected vocals. Solid as a rock and a candidate for a huge surprise success!
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¥4,280 税込